发表于: sitebuild | 作者: | 日期: 2011/12/29 06:12


Sorry for the inconvenience!
The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operations have been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition.





Unlimited Hosting Space; excessive MySQL files.Bluehost.com does not set arbitrary limits on the amount of disk space a Subscriber can use for the Subscriber’s website, nor does Bluehost.com charge additional fees based on an increased amount of storage used, provided the Subscriber’s use of storage complies with these Terms. Please note, however, that the Bluehost.com service is designed to host websites. Bluehost.com does NOT provide unlimited space for online storage, backups, or archiving of electronic files, documents, log files, etc., and any such prohibited use of the Services will result in the termination of Subscriber’s account, with or without notice. Accounts with a large number of files (inode count in excess of 200,000) can have an adverse affect on server performance. Similarly, accounts with an excessive number of MySQL/PostgreSQL tables (i.e., in excess of 1000 database tables) or of database size (i.e., in excess of 3GB total MySQL/PostgreSQL usage or 2GB MySQL/PostgreSQL usage in a single database) negatively affect the performance of the server. Bluehost.com may request that the number of files/inodes, database tables, or total database usage be reduced to ensure proper performance or may terminate the Subscriber’s account, with or without notice.

服务条款说的很清楚,空间无限,文件数量有限制,文件数量不能超过200,000,数据表不能超过1000张,数据库总容量不能超过3GB,单数据库容量不能超过2GB 。


: https://blog.darkmi.com/2011/12/29/2080.html

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