
发表于: sitebuild | 作者: | 日期: 2009/3/01 03:03



-c 计算运行应用需要的IPC资源,该信息将提供给管理员,用于在各机器上配置资源。

-n 进行语法检查并不生成TUXCONFIG。

-b 控制TUXCONFIG占用的物理页数。





tmloadcf—Parses a UBBCONFIG file and load binary TUXCONFIG configuration file.


tmloadcf [-n] [-y] [-c] [-b blocks] {UBBCONFIG_file | -}


tmloadcf reads a file or the standard input that is in UBBCONFIG syntax, checks the syntax, and optionally loads a binary TUXCONFIG configuration file. The TUXCONFIG and (optionally) TUXOFFSET environment variables point to the TUXCONFIG file and (optional) offset where the information should be stored. tmloadcf can be run only on the MASTER machine, as defined in the RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file, unless the -c or -n option is specified.

Note: The pathname specified for the TUXCONFIG environment variable must match exactly (including case) the pathname specified for the TUXCONFIG parameter within the MACHINES section of the UBBCONFIG file. Otherwise, tmloadcf(1) cannot be run successfully.

tmloadcf prints a warning message if it finds any section of the UBBCONFIG file missing, other than a missing NETWORK section in a configuration for which the LAN OPTION is not specified (see UBBCONFIG(5)) or a missing ROUTING section. If a syntax error is found while parsing the input file, tmloadcf exits without performing any updates to the TUXCONFIG file.

The effective user identifier of the person running tmloadcf must match the UID, if specified, in the RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file.

The -c option to tmloadcf causes the program to print a list of the minimum IPC resources needed for this configuration. Resource requirements that vary on a per-processor basis are printed for each processor in the configuration. The TUXCONFIG file is not updated.

The -n option to tmloadcf causes the program to do only syntax checking of UBBCONFIG (the text version of the configuration file) without actually updating the TUXCONFIG file.

After checking the syntax, tmloadcf checks whether: (a) the file referenced by TUXCONFIG exists; (b) it is a valid BEA Tuxedo system file system; and (c) it contains TUXCONFIG tables. If these conditions are not true, tmloadcf prompts you to indicate whether you want the command to create and initialize TUXCONFIG.

Initialize TUXCONFIG file: path [y, q]?

Prompting is suppressed if the standard input or output is not a terminal, or if the -y option is specified on the command line. Any response other than y or Y causes tmloadcf to exit without creating the configuration file.

If the TUXCONFIG file is not properly initialized, and you have indicated approval, tmloadcf creates the BEA Tuxedo system file system and then creates the TUXCONFIG tables. If the -b option is specified on the command line, its argument is used as the number of blocks for the device when creating the BEA Tuxedo system file system. If the value of the -b option is large enough to hold the new TUXCONFIG tables, tmloadcf uses the specified value to create the new file system; otherwise, tmloadcf prints an error message and exits. If the -b option is not specified, tmloadcf creates a new file system large enough to hold the TUXCONFIG tables. The -b option is ignored if the file system already exists.

The -b option is highly recommended if TUXCONFIG is a raw device (that is, if it is a device that has not been initialized) and should be set to the number of blocks on the raw device. The -b option is not recommended if TUXCONFIG is a regular UNIX file.

If it is determined that the TUXCONFIG file has already been initialized, tmloadcf ensures that the system described by that TUXCONFIG file is not running. If the system is running, tmloadcf prints an error message and exits.

If the system is not running and a TUXCONFIG file already exists, tmloadcf prompts you to confirm that the file should be overwritten:

Really overwrite TUXCONFIG file [y, q]?

Prompting is suppressed if the standard input or output is not a terminal or if the -y option is specified on the command line. Any response other than y or Y causes tmloadcf to exit without overwriting the file.

If the SECURITY parameter is specified in the RESOURCES section of the configuration file, then tmloadcf flushes the standard input, turns off terminal echo, and prompts the user for an application password, as follows:

Enter Application Password?
Reenter Application Password?

The password is limited to 30 characters. The option to load UBBCONFIG (the text version of the configuration file) via standard input (rather than a file) cannot be used when the SECURITY parameter is turned on. If standard input is not a terminal, that is, if the user cannot be prompted for a password (as with a here file, for example), then the APP_PW environment variable is accessed to set the application password. If the APP_PW environment variable is not set and standard input is not a terminal, then tmloadcf prints an error message, generates a log message, and fails to load the TUXCONFIG file.

Assuming no errors, and if all checks have passed, tmloadcf loads the UBBCONFIG file into the TUXCONFIG file. It overwrites all existing information found in the TUXCONFIG tables.

Note that some values are rounded during the load and may not match when they are unloaded. These include but are not limited to MAXRFT and MAXRTDATA.


tmloadcf must run on the master node. In an interoperating application, the master node must be running the highest release available.


tmloadcf is supported on any platform on which the BEA Tuxedo server environment is supported.

Environment Variables

The environment variable APP_PW must be set for applications for which the SECURITY parameter is specified and run tmloadcf with something other than a terminal as standard input.


To load a configuration file from UBBCONFIG file BB.shm, initialized the device with 2000 blocks:

tmloadcf -b2000 -y BB.shm


If an error is detected in the input, the offending line is printed to standard error along with a message indicating the problem. If a syntax error is found in the UBBCONFIG file or the system is currently running, no information is updated in the TUXCONFIG file and tmloadcf exits with exit code 1.

If tmloadcf is run by a person whose effective user identifier does not match the UID specified in the UBBCONFIG file, the following error message is displayed:

*** UID is not effective user ID ***

If tmloadcf is run on a non-master node, the following error message is displayed:

tmloadcf cannot run on a non-master node.

If tmloadcf is run on an active node, the following error message is displayed:

tmloadcf cannot run on an active node.

Upon successful completion, tmloadcf exits with exit code 0. If the TUXCONFIG file is updated, a userlog message is generated to record this event.

: https://blog.darkmi.com/2009/03/01/772.html

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