
发表于: other | 作者: | 日期: 2013/9/22 12:09

Dear Mr. Green,
This is to let you know that I will be transferred to Beijing office of our company as of May 11, 2008.
I would like to thank you for all your support during the past years and hope that you will continue to extend the same to my replacement, Miss Gao.
With thanks and regards,
Sincerely yours,
2008 年 5 月 11 号我将调职到敝公司的北京分公司,特此告知。
艾力克斯 谨上
Dear all,
All good things must come to an end. I am leaving this company.
When I look back on the past years, all the memories I have of working with you are invaluable to me. I would like to deliver my heartfelt thanks to all that have shown me your guidance, support and assistance.
Attached is my personal contact information.
Keep in touch and I wish all of you a promising future!
Warmly regards,
Mike Pan
麦克 · 潘
Dear Edward,
I have recently changed my job and become a consultant in Milestone Consultation International Co. So I have also moved to a new place near our company.
My new address and contact number are as follows,
Address: 8F, 130, Sec 1, Fu Hsin Road, Taipei 106
Telephone number: 886-2-2730-8888
I hope to keep in touch with you.
With my best wishes,
下面是我的新地址和电话号码: 地址:106台北市复兴路一段130号8楼 电话:886-2-2730-8888
Dear John,
I hope this letter finds you well.
I just want to let you know that I have recovered from my recent appendicitis. Now I have come back to work again.
I look forward to working with you again and hearing from you soon.
Thank you very much for your consolation.
Yours truly,
肯恩 谨上
Dear Kevin,
First of all, congratulations on meeting and exceeding our goals for school instrument sales in October!
You worked on arranging for a trade-in for a completely new set of instruments and helped make October a month to remember.
I hope you will put the bonus check to good use, and continue to bring new ideas to the sales department.
Sincerely yours,
John Diamond
约翰 · 戴尔蒙 谨上
Dear Mr. Smith,
Holiday greetings and best wishes for the New Year!
May you and all your family members have a joyous holiday season.
Thank you for your patronage over the past few years and I hope we will enjoy more years of business cooperation together.
Best regards,
Yours faithfully,
Walt Lin
华特 · 林 谨上
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to apply for admission to your university as a Master’s student in Applied Economics next September.
I am in my fourth year of undergraduate studies at Peking University at present, and I will receive a Bachelor of Arts in Economics in July. It has been my dream to pursue graduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania, an institution well-known for its excellent faculty and students as well as the strong leadership in the field of economics. I am confident that I would benefit a lot from the rich academic and cultural community of your university.
As requested, I have sent two letters of recommendation, an original copy of my university transcript, and a copy of my TOEFL certificate. Please also find attached my completed application form.
Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours,
David Wang
大卫 · 王 敬上
Dear Boss:
I am afraid that I have to tell you the bad news.
Something incredible happened to me last weekend. I had a car accident and thus broke my legs. Therefore, I have to inform you that maybe I cannot go to work in the next few weeks because of this serious accident. So I want to ask for a month’s leave. Thank you for your consideration and
I’m expecting your approval.
Enclosed herewith is my X-ray photo for verification.
Sincerely yours,
Nancy Li
随信附上我的 X 光照片以兹证明。
南希 · 李 敬上
Dear Bank of Taiwan, Tunhua Branch,
I hereby request you to effect the following remittances subject to the conditions overleaf, which I have read and agreed to be bound by.
Name of Beneficiary
Address of Beneficiary
Name of Remitter
Address of Remitter
In payment of the above remittance, please debit my account with you.
电汇 信汇 票汇
Dear Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks,
(Corporate Name)
(State or Country of Corporation)
(Business Address)
The above identified applicant has adopted and is using the trademark shown in the accompanying drawing for (common, usual or ordinary name of goods) and requested that such mark be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Principal Register established by the Act of July 5, 1946.
The trademark was first used on the goods on (Date); was first used in (Type of Commerce) commerce on (Date); and is now in use in such commerce. The mark is used by applying it to (manner of application, such as the goods or labels affixed to the product). Five specimens showing the mark as actually used are presented herewith.
Corporate Name
By:(Signature of Corporate Officer and Official Title)
根据 1946 年 7 月 5 日通过的法案而建立的商标目录上注册该商标。该商标于(日期)第一次用于该商品,于(日期)第一次使用于(贸易类型),且现在仍在该贸易中使用。
该商标采取(使用方式,例如在产品上附标签)用在商品上。现附上 5 份样品,显示商标的实际使用情况。
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your letter of June 18 enclosing details of your terms. According to your request for opening an irrevocable L/C, we have instructed Mega International Commercial Bank to open a credit for US$ 50,000 in your favor, valid until Sep. 20. Please inform us by fax when the order has been executed.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Sincerely yours,
ABC Company
非常感谢贵方 6 月 18 日有关条款详细情况的来信。根据你方要求开立不可撤销信用证,我方已经通知兆丰国际商业银行开立金额为 5 万美元的信用证,有效期至9 月 20 日。当你方执行订单时,请传真告知我方。
ABC公司 谨上
Dear President of CECA,
I, Min Li, do hereby apply for a license to display the trademark of CECA, “COOL” at my place of business located at Felicity Street 520, in the Tang city.
This application is in accordance with the regulations of the CECA. I am cognizant of the regulations of CECA that govern the display of said trademark and the manner of conducting business, and I agree to abide by such regulations at all times.
Sincerely yours,
Min Lee
本人,李民,在此郑重申请中国电子组件行业协会商标使用许可证,以便获准在位于唐城幸福大街520 号的公司所在地展示“COOL”商标。
李民 谨上
Dear Loan Section Head,
I’m writing this letter in applying for 150,000 dollars from your bank for opening a Japanese cuisine restaurant.
I’ve carried out a survey and found that there is only a small restaurant selling Japanese foods. The potential Japanese food market is large and we have sufficient customers. What’s more, we have employed excellent cooks that can ensure the quality of the meal. The loan money will be used in the inner decoration. My partner, Peter and I will provide real estate of our families that worth 200,000 dollars as guaranty.
Leading us the loan will prove a wise choice. Please consider our application seriously and we are looking forward to your response!
Sincerely yours,
Ted Green
泰德 · 格林 谨上
Dear Mr. Miller,
I am writing to you for a big plan!
I am the supervisor of Research and Development Department. In order to improve my professional skill and offer better service for our company, I think I need to learn more about current international cutting-edge technology. I hereby advance an application for further study abroad.
I will ensure to study hard and come back to contribute more for our company’s prosperous future! Your decision may affect our tomorrow. Please consider carefully.
Expecting your support!
Sincerely yours,
贝蒂 谨上
Dear Sir or Madam,
This is Chrissie Snow from Administrative Department. I have worked here for 6 months since May 2, 2008. I am always working very hard in my post and doing my best to pursue perfection.
I love our company, and I really hope I could have long-term development here. Therefore, I want to know the company overall. As the Market Department is the leading department, which is in charge of the main business, I want to enter this department to learn more. I promise I will work as hard in the new department as in my current department.
I desperately expect your permission!
Sincerely yours,
Chrissie Snow
我是行政部门的克丽丝 · 史诺,于 2008 年 5 月 2 日开始在这个部门工作,至今已有 6 个月的时间了。工作中,我始终坚持努力工作,每项工作都力求完美。
克丽丝 · 史诺 敬上
Dear Boss,
I am writing to you for solving a problem.
My name is Alvin Hsu, a new staff member of the company. I come from Yunlin County, and came to the city alone, where is completely strange to me. I have no relatives here and I have no money to rent a house. It is definitely difficult for me to get accommodations. I sincerely hope that the company could help solve my big problem. I hereby apply for a dormitory.
Expecting your approval!
Truly yours,
Alvin Hsu
许艾文 敬上
Dear Mr. Affleck,
I am replying to your advertisement in the New York Times for an administrative assistant.
I worked for a big multinational company for one year as an administrative assistant and such experience has prepared me for the work you are calling for. I believe I am the best man for this position.
Enclosed is my resume. And I hope you will consider my application.
Thank for your time.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Yours sincerely,
Colin Jackson
科林 · 杰克森 谨上
Dear Mr. Jackman,
I am writing to inquire if your company has any opening in the area of food engineering. I have long been interested in working in your company.
Although I am a recent graduate with some intern experience, I still want to pursue a job which I find fascinating.
If any, please reply and I will send you a resume via Email. Thank you for your time.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Yours sincerely,
Andy Carter
如果有的话,烦请回复,我将 Email 我的简历给您。谢谢您的宝贵时间!
安迪 · 卡特 谨上
Dear Mr. Reynolds,
I am honored to provide this letter of recommendation for Ronan Cruise.
I have known him for several years as his team leader. He is an excellent assistant with high responsibility, team work spirit and positive working attitude. And I believe he would be a valuable asset to any company.
If you need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 886-2-9876-543.
Yours sincerely,
Adam Bennett
亚当·班奈特 谨上
Dear Mr. Johnson,
I worked as an English editor for two years, but I have held a particular interest in teaching English since I was an English Department student in University.
With my knowledge in English, work experience, patience and passion for teaching, I believe I am capable of doing this job. Please consider me for the teaching position. If possible, you can contact me at 02-2987-6543.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Seal
凭借着我的英语知识、工作经验、耐心和对教学的热诚,我相信我能胜任这份工作。敬请考虑我对这个教学职位的申请。如果可能的话,您可以电话联系我,我的电话是 02-2987-6543。
凯文 · 席尔 谨上
Dear Ms. Billman,
I am responding to your job offer announcement in 51job.com and applying for the position of computer clerk. I majored in computer science with a minor in English. I believe all these will qualify me for this position described on this website.
Enclosed is my resume, which will detail my qualifications for this position.
Thank you for you time.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Yours sincerely,
Lindsay Chen
琳赛 · 陈 谨上
Dear Mr. Jackson,
Stanley Donen has been in our employ for the past three years. He is a man with a pleasant personality and really did a great job those years.
We are indeed sorry to lose Stanley’s services, but he leaves us to find a position with great opportunities for advancement. We wish him a brilliant future ahead of him.
Yours sincerely,
Orlando Knight
史丹利 · 多南曾在我们公司工作三年之久。他性格开朗,这些年工作也相当出色。
奥兰多 · 奈特 谨上
Dear Mr. Kidd,
I am writing to apply for the position of a secretary, as advertised in the New York Times.
I have more than five years of experience in government agencies. I am sure my employment experience is perfect for the secretary position. I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can fully explain my qualifications.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Charisse
凯文·查理丝 谨上
Dear Mr. Mitchell,
You mentioned that you would be getting back to me concerning the outcome of our meeting by March 5, 2009. Since that date has passed, I think I should make sure that you have no additional questions. Your prompt consideration would be greatly appreciated and you can reach me at 02-2645-3280.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Yours sincerely,
David Reynolds
您说过会于 2009 年 3 月 5 日之前通知我面试的结果。由于日期已过,我想我应该确认一下您是否有其他问题。
如您能及时考虑,我将不胜感激。你可以电话联系我,我的电话是 02-2645-3280。
大卫 · 雷诺兹 谨上
Dear Mr. Urban,
Thank you for your offer of employing me as your secretary.
I am very excited about being part of your team, and eager to start work on March 15, 2009. I will work harder than before and get along with the team members.
Yours sincerely,
Nicole Jackson
能成为你们团队中的一分子我感到万分开心,并且很期待在 2009 年 3 月15 日那天到公司开始上班。我会比以前更加努力工作,并与团队成员相处融洽。
妮可·杰克逊 谨上
Dear Mr. Goodman,
Thank you for you letter of March 12, in which you offered me the position of auditor.
I am extremely sorry but I just accepted another offer that I feel is more interesting to me. That position suits my education background better.
I hope you will find the right man soon and thank you for your offer again.
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Davis
凯文 · 戴维斯 谨上
Dear Mr. Smith,
Thank you for your inquiry regarding the humidifiers UL9982001. The information you want has been sent to you today. Please kindly check.
If you have further questions about this product, please contact Miss Lee at our Service Department. Her direct number is 666-1234.
Thanks again for your attention and support.
Sincerely yours,
HM Corporation
非常感谢您对我公司生产的 UL9982001 型号的加湿器的咨询。
您所需要的资料今天已经寄出了,请查收。如果您对敝公司产品还有任何问题,请直接拨打02-2666-1234 与客服部的李小姐联系。
HM公司 谨上
Dear Alan,
I feel so delightful to receive your mail. It has been a couple of months since we met in Bali.
I’ve been concentrating on my work like a workaholic since I came back from Bali. What about you? Have you finished your novel?
Please tell me what’s happening in London. I am planning to visit you sometime soon.
Let’s stay in touch. Bye for now!
Best wishes,
奥森 谨上
Dear Mr. Kane,
Thank you very much for ordering our software “Mini Diary”.
Your purchase information is attached. We will send the goods to you upon receipt of your payment. If there are any other commodities you are interested in, please feel free to contact us for further information.
Sincerely yours,
Minisoft Co.
迷你软件公司 谨上
Dear Mr. Hill,
Thank you ever so much for your kindness and assistance in sending the electronic component sample to us from your company so soon.
We are in the process of trying it out at present. And we will connect with you at any time if there are any findings and questions we may have about it.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
MG Co.
MG公司 谨上
Dear Cecily,
I was so excited yesterday evening that I am sure I did not thank you adequately for the beautiful Christmas gift. The woolen shawl is lovely and exactly the color I would have selected myself.
Now that winter has come, it is indeed the right time to wear the warm shawl. I will think of you with gratitude and affection every time I wear it.
Many thanks to you again and our best wishes to you for the New Year!
Affectionately yours,
Dear Mary,
This is to express my appreciation.
I would like to thank you for your enthusiasm and hospitality during my visit to your country. It was my first experience staying overseas for two months, so I was a little nervous in the beginning. However, you treated me like a member of your family and made me feel at home.
Please give my pure-hearted regards and special thanks to your family.
I look forward to hearing from you again as soon as possible.
Kindest regards,
Dear Mr. Geng,
Thank you very much for your wonderful hospitality during our stay in Beijing. I would like to express my appreciation to you for making our trip such an enjoyable and successful one.
We sincerely appreciate you for taking time out of your busy schedule to show us around your office and factory. I also hope that you will have a chance to visit us in London in the near future.
Yours truly,
杰西卡 谨上
Dear Anne,
I shall always remember with gratitude the Email you sent me when you learned of Jane’s death. No one but you knew my sister so well and loved her as her own family did. Only you could have written that letter. It brought me comfort, Anne, when I needed it badly.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your Email and for your many kindness to Jane during her long illness.
Dear Mr. Burns,
Thank you for your introduction, which help us to establish a new business relationship with E-Trade USA.
In a cozy atmosphere, we have met with Mr. Tom Billy, Executive Director of E-Trade in Shanghai this week regarding their legal needs in China. Mr. Billy hold you in high regard and is particularly interested in several of our attorneys 7 educated and trained in the U.S. We look forward to providing E-Trade with the finest and most cost effective services.
We owe you the greatest debt of gratitude.
Sincerely yours,
East Justice Law Firm
这个星期,在一个很舒适的气氛下,我们在上海与美国电子贸易公司的执行董事汤姆 ·比利先生会面,谈了一些关于他们在中国需要的一些法律服务。比利先生非常尊敬您,并且对我们曾在美国接受教育和培训的几位律师尤其感兴趣。我们会给美国电子贸易公司提供最优质与最高效的服务。
东方正义律师事务所 谨上
Dear Subscriber,
I am writing this to express my gratitude for your cooperation and kind assistance.
The questionnaire you filled out is a great help to us in our effort to improve the efficiency of our customer service departments. In addition, you will be rewarded by our improved services.
With your help, I believe that we can make it! Thanks again from the bottom of our heart.
Sincerely yours,
Q&A Magazine
Q&A 杂志 谨上
Dear Brown,
This is to tell you that I’ve arrived home now. I wish to express my thanks to you for the wonderful vacation I spent with you and your family. During the vacation, you taught me how to swim, boat and fish. I really appreciate your taking time off work to show me around so many places.
Your wife is such a terrific cook! I think I must have gained 10 pounds just in the week I spent with you. Surely, I’ve spent a happy and memorable vacation. Thanks again.
I hope you will be able to visit us sometime. Let’s keep in touch.
Truly yours,
Luke Wang
您的妻子厨艺真棒!我想一个星期的时间我一定长了 10 磅肉呢!当然,我也度过了一个
路克·王 谨上
Dear Mr. Zhang,
I am writing this letter to thank you for your warm hospitality to us in your beautiful country.
During the entire visit, we were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives. I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one so that we would be able to continue our discussion, expand our bilateral economic and trade relations and bring benefits to our people.
I am looking forward to your early visit here.
With kind regards,
UV delegation
UV 代表团 谨上
Dear Mr. Steven,
Thank you very much for meeting with Ted and giving him your helpful advice about the legal profession. As I am sure you could tell that he is very enthusiastic about law and eager to begin in this field.
He got a lot out of your talk and I can’t think of a better example for him to follow.
I appreciate your kind assistance and suggestions on behalf of my son.
Yours sincerely,
彼得 谨上
Dear Mr. Moore,
My wife joins me in thanking you and your kind wife for a delightful night at your house last Sunday.
The delicious food, pleasant company and intelligent conversation made the occasion an unforgettable one for both of us.
Once again we’d like to express our thankfulness to you for your zealous invitation and warm friendship. I wish you and your family good health and happiness forever.
Sincerely yours,
Tom Smith
汤姆 · 史密斯 谨上
Dear Mr. Wells,
This is to express great gratitude for your close collaboration with us.
I would like to thank you for your cooperation for our business. We have had a profitable year. Therefore, we are keenly desirous of enlarging our trade in various kinds of chemical textiles. We do hope we could have further cooperation with each other and achieve co-prosperity in the future. Thank you so much again.
With thanks and regards.
Yours truly,
CT Corporation
CT 公司 谨上
Dear Bob,
Tom and I have recently moved to Purple Vine Town and would like to invite all of our friends over for a housewarming party.
Please join us at 16:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 29, 2008. Directions are enclosed.
We hope you and your wife will be able to attend 6 on time.
Yours truly,
时间定于这个星期日,2008 年 6 月 29 日下午 4 点,谨附地图。
菲奥娜 谨上
Dear Sir or Madam,
Organized by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the World Industrial and Commercial Organizations (WICO) Summit will be held on December 19-20, 2008 in Taipei.
To facilitate your better understanding of the Summit, a press conference will be held at Jhongshan Building, at 15:00-16:30 pm. on November 20th, 2008. Please refer to http://www.××××.com for further information of the WICO Summit.
We sincerely hope you will be with us.
Sincerely yours,
Contact person: Jason Wu
由联合国工发组织主办的世界工商协会高峰会将于 2008 年 12 月 19~20 日于台北召开。
为了便于您更了解此次的高峰会,世界工商协会高峰会委员将于2008年11月20日下午3:00 ~ 4:30,在中山楼举行记者会。想要了解高峰会详情,请洽询网站:
Dear Ms. Jane,
I’d like to ask you that would you please serve as our speaker on Advertising Directors Association? I can think of no one more qualified to fill this role than you. ADA is prepared to pay all your expenses. The media panel is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. on Thursday, October 16, 2008 and end no later than 5 p.m.
I do hope it will be possible for you to undertake this assignment. Let me know as soon as you can, please. If your response is favorable, I’ll send other information to you.
Sincerely yours,
ADA Organizer
我想请问您愿不愿意担任此次广告总监协会的发言人?我认为您是担此重任的最佳人选。广告总监协会将支付您的全部费用。媒体讨论会计划于下周四,也就是 2008 年 10 月16 日下午三点开始,于当日五点前结束。
ADA 主办者 谨上
Dear Professor Wang,
I am pleased to inform you that you are cordially invited to participate in the conference of North America as our guest. Your round-trip air ticket, accommodations and meal expenses will be subsidized. Should you be interested, please let us know at your earliest convenience.
I am looking forward to seeing you in this conference, and I am sure you will play an important role in the event. If your response is consenting, I’ll send the relevant information to you.
Sincerely yours,
NS Sponsor
NS 主办者 谨上
Dear Mr. Chen,
I am delighted to be able to invite you as a visiting scholar in Australia. You will be based at the Melbourne campus but may visit other campuses whilst you are in Australia.
As a visiting scholar, you will be able to pursue your specific research agenda and to collaborate and communicate with the University of Sydney faculty during your stay.
Please let me know if you have any further inquiries and we look forward to your visit.
Yours sincerely,
The University of Melbourne
墨尔本大学 谨上
Dear Sarah,
My husband and I should be very much pleased if you and your daughter would dine with us at 6:30 p.m. next Sunday, the eleventh of the Emperor Building. I am inviting a few other people, and I hope we may sing Karaoke after dinner. If you would consent to bring some video tapes, I am sure we would have a most wonderful evening.
We do hope you can come and are expecting to see you then.
Yours cordially,
May Smith
我和我的丈夫非常高兴地邀请你和你的女儿前来参加我们的晚宴。时间定于下个星期日下午六点半,地点位于帝国大厦十一楼。我还会再邀请一些人,我希望吃完晚饭我们可以去唱卡拉 OK。如果你能带些录影带来,我相信我们将度过一个最美妙的夜晚。
梅 · 史密斯 谨上
Dear Robin,
On Sunday, August 11, at three o’clock p.m., Richard and I are taking the important step in life. We are getting married at St. Peter’s, that charming little church—you know it—at 26 Freeway Drive.
We have sent the invitation card to you. I hardly need to tell you that we would not consider it a real wedding if you were not present. There will be an informal reception in the church parlor afterward and we want you there, too.
Affectionately yours,
8 月 11 日,星期日下午三点,我和理查将迈入人生重要的一步。我们将在圣彼得这座迷人的小教堂里举行婚礼。这个教堂在弗利韦大道 26 号,这个你是知道的吧。
Dear Louise,
Please come to my birthday party!
It’s my fifth birthday. I am going to have a huge birthday cake and we will play games together! Please call my mom to let us know if you can come. If the answer is yes, don’t forget to bring me a beautiful present! The date: Sunday, June 29 from 3 to 6 p.m.
P.S. : Please tell your parents that there will be a barbecue for the grownups, too!
Sincerely yours,
时间:星期日,6 月 29 号,下午三点到六点。
汉娜 谨上
Dear residents of building#7,
You are cordially invited to share in a celebration of George and Emma’s 50th Wedding Anniversary.
Fifty years ago, a beautiful woman Emma and a handsome George promised to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives. Now, as their dear friends, we will celebrate that commitment once more for them.
Please join us in SURPRISE reception for George and Emma in the hall on May 21, from 3 to 5 p.m. Thank you for your company.
Sincerely yours,
Jack Miller
杰克 · 米勒 谨上
Dear Mr. Li,
Thank you so much for inviting me to address the Chamber of Commerce monthly luncheon at 12 p.m. on September 21, at the Mayors’ Building on the subject of “The Status of Expert Systems in Business During the Next Decade.” I am pleased to accept your invitation.
I look forward to this opportunity of being with you and the members of Chamber of Commerce once again.
Sincerely yours,
Kate Hu
承蒙盛情邀请我于 9 月 21 日十二时在商会每月一次的午宴上致辞,不胜感谢。午宴地点在市长大厦,题目为“今后十年内专家制度在商业中的地位”。我很高兴地接受你们的邀请。
凯特·胡 谨上
Dear Henry,
My friend, thank you for your letter of May 2.
Your letter says there will be a get-together on May 6 in Bluestone Park, and you want to invite me to the party with you. However, I am awfully sorry to tell you that on that day I am going to see an old friend who’s seriously ill. So I am afraid it’s impossible for me to go with you then.
I believe that you can find another partner soon.
Yours faithfully,
罗丝 谨上
Dear Mr. Mayor,
Next Saturday marks the 256th anniversary of the founding of the British Museum. The superintendent of it is planning to celebrate the event with a reception at Claridges Hotel on Saturday, January 17 between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. We shall be honored to have you as our chief guest who will address the party for about four minutes.
I would appreciate it if you could indicate your availability or inability to attend the reception before January 13.
Sincerely yours,
Tom Clarke
下周六是大英博物馆建成 256 周年纪念日。博物馆负责人拟于一月十七日(星期六)晚上五至八时在克莱里奇饭店举行庆祝招待会。我们想邀请您作为主宾参加,并希望届时您能致辞四分钟左右。
汤姆·克拉克 谨上
Dear Professor Cheng,
I am pleased to learn that you have an opportunity to spend a year away from your institution to pursue research in Physics, and I’d like to ask you if I could have the honor to invite you to spend that year working in my research group at MIT. I am sure it will be beneficial to both of us.
I am very happy to cover all expenses, including the costs of living expenses, travel costs and research costs.
I look forward to working with you.
Truly yours,
Robin Williams
罗宾 · 威廉斯 谨上
Dear Mr. Willman,
Please accept my heart-felt thanks for your sympathy.
There is no greater solace than the knowledge that our friends are there and feel the same with us.
I will pull myself together and take care of our family affairs.
Yours sincerely,
Timmy Cruise
提米·克鲁斯 谨上
Dear Whitney,
I am glad to learn that you will be visiting Toronto next month. I’ll be in Montreal between February 21 and 25, so if it’s convenient for you, shall we arrange to meet on the 28th? Please let me know whether I can arrange hotel accommodations and transportation from the airport for you.
Expecting your arrival soon!
Truly yours,
Mike Smith
很高兴您下个月要来到多伦多。2月21日到25日期间我将会待在蒙特利尔,如果您方便的话,我们安排 28 日见面如何?请告诉我是否需要为您安排饭店住宿及机场的接送服务。
迈克 · 史密斯 谨上
Dear Mr. Keller,
I am pleased to announce the appointment of IDEA Corporation’s general manager of advertising.
Ms. Ho has worked in advertising area for 10 years. She has an insightful view of the advertising industry. All in all, we are eager to work with you and meet your objectives.
This new appointment brings additional strength to IDEA Corporation. You could contact her for your advertising needs.
Sincerely yours,
IDEA Corporation
概念公司 谨上
Dear members,
All attention, please!
I hereby make an announcement that there will be three new colleagues coming into our company. They are Cindy Wang, Nancy Li and May Chou.
They will serve in Marketing Department from tomorrow on, namely, December 2, 2008.
Please get along well with new colleagues and pursue better development of our company.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation!
Sincerely yours,
Personnel Department
我在此宣布一个消息:将有三位新同事加入我们公司,她们分别是王辛蒂、李南西和周玫。她们将从明天起,即2008年 12 月 2 日开始在营销部任职。
人事部 谨上
Dear Ms. Steele,
I am writing to let you know a decision of mine.
I want to resign from the NCB Company for some personal reason.
Moreover, I will be starting a new position with the Government Bookstore as an office manager. I think perhaps that job would be more suitable for me. Anyway, I am still going to express many thanks for your support while I was there.
I hope everything goes well!
Faithfully yours,
由于私人原因,我想从 NCB 公司辞职。另外,我将要开始转换跑道去做政府刊物书店的经理。我想那份工作或许更适合我。无论如何,我都要感谢您过去对我的支持与照顾。
比尔 谨上

: https://blog.darkmi.com/2013/09/22/1119.html

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